Veganuary: The perfect start to the new year
Every January, millions of people around the world discover Veganuary - a movement that inspires people to eat a purely plant-based diet for a month. But what is behind this trend and why is it wo...

The food trend of the year: Dubai chocolates and tartlets now at Schokoladenhaus Berlin
The hottest flavors of the Orient have finally arrived - now at Rausch Schokoladenhaus! We at Rausch are now bringing Dubai chocolate, which is currently dominating the media, directly to Berlin. W...

New fine cocoa chocolate receives award from the International Taste & Quality Institute

Rausch launches new dark fine cocoa chocolate with 84% cocoa content

Fine flavor cocoa from Trinidad with distinction
Fine cocoas have up to 400 flavors. Our 'Rausch Plantagen 80 % Trinidad' has a strong cocoa flavour and is characterized by its nutty, fruity note with malty undertones. Our partners from Trinidad ...

Chef Patissier from Rausch takes part in 'Das Große Backen - Die Profis'

Our solar-powered post-harvest station
Our solar-powered post-harvest station is ready!

Our own fine flavor cocoa plantation in Costa Rica
At the end of 2014, the Rausch family set up their own fine flavor cocoa plantation in Costa Rica. We take you on our journey to the Rausch fine flavor cocoa plantation.