
Our own fine flavor cocoa plantation in Costa Rica

Unsere eigene Edelkakao-Plantage in Costa Rica

According to a British study, the happiest people live in Costa Rica. You can feel this attitude to life from the warm-hearted local people and it sweeps you away when you immerse yourself in the overwhelming beauty of nature with its awe-inspiring volcanoes and unique plants.

Our long search for the perfect environment for our own estate paid off and we were able to establish our own fine flavor cocoa plantation at the end of 2014. The 40-hectare RAUSCH TRES EQUIS - FINCA DE CACAO is located within sight of the mighty 3325-metre-high Turrialba volcano and borders one of Costa Rica's "Wild Corridor" national parks.

For our fine cocoa plantation, we did not want to cut down any rainforest, but wanted to show that it is possible to grow sustainable cocoa even on depleted soils. That's why we chose pastureland that is no longer farmed, is compacted by horses' or cattle's hooves and is poor in nutrients and species. As a first measure, we planted helper plants that, for example, store nitrogen in the soil, provide shade for the cocoa or loosen the soil with their roots. In total, we have planted over 37 different species, which have turned the pastureland into a diverse, species-rich agroforestry system. This allows us to produce cocoa in harmony with nature.

We work together on this great project with the local employees and our experts from Germany, who regularly visit our own plantation and all the fine flavor cocoa plantations from which we source fine flavor cocoa.

Our Rausch experts work together on an international and intercultural level to create ideal conditions for each cocoa seedling. The cocoa plants were planted amongst mangos, papayas and bananas to provide the best conditions for the demanding fine flavor cocoa. With our own plantation in this perfect and natural environment, we have gained an opportunity to exchange ideas with our partners and cocoa farmers from other fine flavor cocoa plantations. The plantation is a training platform to promote every step from cultivation to processing of the fine flavor cocoa and to bring it closer to interested partners. In this way, we can offer complete transparency for everyone - including you as our customer.

We take the time and tranquillity necessary for the development of the plantation and authentically show the work and passion we put into cocoa production. The cocoa plants are currently still very tender. It takes two years for a young cocoa tree to bear fruit for the first time. At the end of November, our Managing Director Robert Rausch visited the plantation in Costa Rica and personally accompanied the long journey to our own Rausch fine flavor cocoa harvest.

We would be delighted if you would join us on this journey.
Watch the news from the RAUSCH TRES EQUIS - FINCA DE CACAO here

You are welcome to visit our plantation. However, due to the current situation, we require prior registration in order to comply with the appropriate safety precautions regarding Covid-19. Please contact us.