
Fine flavor cocoa from Trinidad with distinction

Edelkakao aus Trinidad mit Auszeichnung

It is very popular with connoisseurs - our 'Rausch Plantagen Trinidad 80 %'. The aromas naturally play a particularly important role, especially in a fine flavor chocolate with such a high proportion of fine flavor cocoa. Rausch Plantagen Trinidad 80 %' has a strong cocoa flavor with a nutty, fruity note and malty undertones.

We source the fine cocoa for our darkest fine cocoa chocolate from the San Juan Estate in Trinidad and Tobago - our partners Kailash and Quincy Winklaar.

They were recognized by the Cocoa of Excellence Program at the International Cocoa Awards 2017 for their fine flavor cocoa. The fine flavor cocoa from San Juan Estate is one of the best 50 fine flavor cocoas. They received a certificate of recognition for this.


The two are delighted with the award and we are delighted for them:

"We are Kailash and Quincy Winklaar from San Juan Estate in Trinidad and Tobago. Our fine flavor cocoa won the Top 50 International Cocoa Award of the Cocoa of Excellence Program, Salon du Chocolat 2017, in Paris. We have been a direct partner of Rausch since 2016 and appreciate the many years of professional cooperation and the comprehensive feedback and input we receive from Rausch for our high cocoa quality. In our meetings, we regularly exchange information about sustainable cocoa production and learn a lot from each other. We look forward to the annual visits from Rausch's quality experts."

"We are Kailash and Quincy Winklaar, owners of San Juan Estate, Trinidad and Tobago. Our cocoa won the Top 50 International Cocoa Award of the Cocoa of Excellence Program, Salon du Chocolat 2017 in Paris. As a Direct Trade-Partner of the German Fine Chocolate Manufacturer Rausch since 2016, we value this professional relationship, the comprehensive feedback and input that we receive on our fine cocoa quality. In our meetings we exchange ideas on sustainable fine cocoa production and learn a lot from each other. We are looking forward to the regular visits of the Rausch Experts during each year."

Trinidad-San-Juan-Estate-OwnerKailash (left) and Quincy Winklaar (right) tasting cocoa pulp on their estate in Trinidad

Trinidad-San-Juan-Estate-TeamWorking together for the best fine flavoured cocoa: Dr. Elsa Hegmann - quality expert Rausch (left), Kailash and Quincy Winklaar (middle) and Dr. Christina Rohsius - quality expert Rausch (right)

If you haven't tasted it yet, you can go directly to our 'Rausch Plantagen Trinidad 80 %' here
