Chocolate news via WhatsApp
With our free WhatsApp newsletter, we regularly send you news about delicious new products and news from the Rausch chocolate universe directly to your smartphone. You will receive valuable tips, seasonal recipes as well as offers and exclusive promotions for our chocolates.
With our free WhatsApp newsletter, we regularly send you news about delicious new products and news from the Rausch chocolate universe directly to your smartphone. You will receive valuable tips and seasonal recipes as well as offers and exclusive promotions for our chocolates.
To subscribe, scan the QR code and send the message " START ".

What you can expect from our WhatsApp newsletter

Exclusive promotions
WhatsApp subscribers can regularly look forward to exclusive benefits such as discounts, free promotions or advance information on new products and releases.
Sweet and savory dishes can be wonderfully prepared with our chocolates. We present imaginative recipes to try out and impress your guests with new creations or treat yourself to something special.
Insights behind the scenes
How does the development of new chocolates work? Which wild animals do our cocoa experts encounter on their travels along the equator?
We provide exclusive insights behind the scenes of the Rausch family business.
Fine flavour cocoa knowledge
It all starts at the origin, where the fine flavour cocoa grows and develops its unique aroma under optimal conditions.
We share insider knowledge about our rare raw material, fine flavour cocoa, which you can use to score points at your next get-together with family and friends.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS about the WhatsApp service
I can't scan the QR code.
If you are unable to scan the QR code, simply call up the page on your mobile device and click on the link provided.
I no longer wish to receive the WhatsApp newsletter.
To stop receiving them permanently or for a while, send us the word STOP in the WhatsApp chat. We will confirm your unsubscription via WhatsApp message and you will shortly be removed from our WhatsApp mailing list. In some cases, unsubscribing may overlap with messages that have already been scheduled and you may receive further WhatsApp newsletters from us for a maximum of 24 hours.
I would like to receive the WhatsApp newsletter again.
Write Start again in the WhatsApp chat and we will keep you fully informed about new products and news about our chocolates.
I would like to join the WhatsApp newsletter via the web.
To receive our WhatsApp newsletter, you must have the WhatsApp app installed on your PC or MAC. Follow the link on the page.
I do not wish to receive a WhatsApp newsletter, but would still like to receive information.
Alternatively, you can subscribe to our free Rausch newsletter and receive our e-mail newsletter once a week. You will be the first to find out about new products and receive regular offers, recipe ideas and interesting facts about fine flavour cocoa.
Is the subscription to the WhatsApp newsletter free of charge?
Yes, the subscription to the WhatsApp newsletter is free of charge.
I am registered but do not receive the WhatsApp newsletter.
Please note that our WhatsApp newsletter is usually sent out 2-3 times a month. To receive our messages, make sure that you have saved our phone number in your contacts and sent the Start message. If you still do not receive any messages, please contact our customer service.
What data protection regulations are there?
You can find our current data protection information at:
You can find more information on the handling of personal data by the operator of WhatsApp in the operator's privacy policy:
I would like to have my data deleted.
To have your data deleted and stop receiving WhatsApp messages, please proceed as follows:
Send us a WhatsApp message with the word STOP. You will be removed from our mailing list immediately.
Send us a message with the words DELETE ALL DATA. All personal data stored with us will be deleted.
=> You will not receive any more WhatsApp messages from us, including no deletion confirmation.
How easy is it to reach you via WhatsApp?
Please note that the WhatsApp service is only available at certain times.
We are available via WhatsApp from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 18:00 (excluding public holidays). We will reply to messages that we receive outside these times on the following working day.