
Chocolate panna cotta

Schokoladen Panna Cotta

Panna cotta is an Italian dessert and translates as "cooked cream". Cream is also the most important ingredient in this small but delicious dessert - along with fine cocoa chocolate, of course. Refined with fresh fruit or a fruity sauce, it is perfect for summer.

Recipe for approx. 5 to 6 glasses

Ingredients for the panna cotta:

250 ml cream
90 g fine cocoa chocolate 'Rausch Plantagen Costa Rica 75 %'
2sheets gelatine

Ingredients for the passion fruit sauce:

200 g passion fruit (fruit juice or fruit puree)
90 g pectin
30 g sugar

Preparation of the panna cotta:

Melt the fine cocoa chocolate in a bain-marie. Meanwhile, soak the gelatine in cold water.

Bring the cream to the boil and add to the melted fine cocoa chocolate. Finally, add the gelatine.

Pour the cream into small jars and place in the fridge for 3 hours.

Preparation of the passion fruit sauce:

Mix the sugar with the pectin. Bring the passion fruit to the boil.

Then stir in the sugar and pectin mixture. Finally, bring to the boil again and place in the fridge to cool.