
Diamond praline with mulled wine filling

Diamant-Praline mit Glühweinfüllung

Advent, Advent... Our diamond praline with mulled wine filling, refined with dark fine cocoa chocolate, is perfect for the second Advent.

Recipe for: 20 pralines
Preparation time: 2 hours

Utensils required:

  • Piping bag
  • Diamond praline mold
  • Glazing knife
  • hand blender
  • thermometer
  • Praline foil
  • Soft brush
  • Star cookie cutter
  • Soft cloth for polishing (preferably 1 microfiber cloth)

Praline filling ingredients:

400 g port wine
15 g Ankerkraut mulled wine spice
200 g chocolate block 'white chocolate'

Ingredients hollow body:

200 g dark fine cocoa chocolate 'Rausch Plantagen Peru 60 %'

Decoration ingredients:

100 g chocolate block 'White Chocolate'
¬Ω tsp white rum
Additional gold metallic powder for decoration

Preparation of hollow shapes:

  1. Polish the polycarbonate praline mold with a soft cloth, preferably a microfiber cloth.
  2. To temper the chocolate, dissolve two thirds of the dark chocolate over a bain-marie (approx. 42°C) and pour over the remaining unmelted chocolate.
  3. Stir until all the chocolate has melted and has a temperature of 31°C.
  4. Then fill the praline mold completely with the tempered chocolate, wait briefly and tap out any air bubbles.
  5. Turn the praline mold over a clean tray and allow the chocolate to run out. (The remaining chocolate will be used later to seal the pralines).
  6. Remove the excess chocolate with a glazing knife and leave the mold until the chocolate is firm.

Preparation of the praline filling:

  1. Bring the port wine to the boil with the Ankerkraut mulled wine spice and reduce to 100 ml.
  2. Then pass through a sieve and pour over the chopped white chocolate.
  3. Stir briefly and process into a homogeneous mass using a hand blender.
  4. Fill the finished filling into the praline molds using a piping bag and then chill.

Seal the pralines:

  1. Reheat the remaining dark chocolate from the hollow molds and use it to "cover" the pralines, i.e. seal them. This is best done with a piping bag. Remove the excess chocolate with the icing knife.

Turn the chocolates out:

  1. To turn out the pralines, simply fold a clean tea towel once, turn the short side of the praline mold over and tap it on the towel with a firm hand.
  2. If some chocolates do not fall out, the chocolate mold can be briefly covered and placed in the freezer. This will cause the chocolate to set.

Preparation of the decoration:

  1. Chop up the white chocolate and again dissolve two thirds over a bain-marie (approx. 42°C) and pour over the remaining unmelted chocolate.
  2. Stir until all the chocolate has melted and bring to a temperature of 28°C.
  3. In the meantime, mix the gold metallic powder with the white rum and brush onto the praline foil using a soft brush.
  4. Then spread the tempered chocolate onto the foil with a glazing knife and allow to set briefly.
  5. Then cut out stars with the cookie cutter and decorate the finished pralines with them.