
Warm chocolate cake with a molten center

Warmer Schokoladen-Kuchen mit flüssigem Kern

"Hard shell, soft core." - Who hasn't heard the saying? In our case, "Chocolate cake, liquid core" is more appropriate. And to stay in the world of clichés, it's not just the inner values that count with this chocolate creation, but the outside and inside are the perfect combination for a special moment of indulgence.

Recipe for 6 people
Preparation time: 45 minutes, including 30 minutes baking time
Baking utensils: 6 ramekins or muffin tins or dessert rings, silicone or ice cube moulds for freezing the chocolate cores

Chocolate center ingredients:

37 ml cream
42 g dark fine flavor cocoa chocolate 'Rausch Plantagen Peru 60 %'
12 g butter

Chocolate dough ingredients:

4 organic eggs, size S
120 g sugar
52 g flour
100 g butter
2g baking powder
40 ml milk
3g fine flavor cocoa powder
100 g chocolate pearls 'Rausch Trinkschokolade Ecuador 70 %'
2g baking powder

Preparation of chocolate core:

  1. Bring the cream to the boil and pour over the fine flavor cocoa chocolate.
  2. Stir well until the fine cocoa chocolate dissolves, then add the butter and mix.
  3. Pour approx. 15 grams per person of the mixture either into small silicone molds or into an ice cube tray and place in the freezer until the mixture is frozen.

Preparation of the chocolate batter:

  1. Melt the butter with the fine cocoa chocolate in a bain-marie.
  2. Beat the eggs with the sugar until frothy and add to the butter and chocolate mixture.
  3. Then add the remaining ingredients and mix to form a batter.

Finish the chocolate cake:

  1. Preheat the oven to 190°C top/bottom heat and grease small ramekins or muffin tins. Alternatively, line dessert rings with strips of baking paper.
  2. Pour the chocolate batter into the ramekins and press the frozen seeds into the center.
  3. Bake the chocolate cakes for approx. 7-8 minutes and serve immediately.


Enjoy the warm chocolate cakes with either vanilla ice cream or fresh seasonal fruit.