
Chocolate fondue


Fancy a real feast again? This fruity, chocolaty dessert is quick and easy to prepare and can be combined with any fruit, cookies or other delicacies.

Recipe for 8 people
Preparation time: 15 - 20 minutes


100 g dark fine flavor cocoa chocolate pearls 'Ecuador 70%'
100 g dark fine flavor cocoa chocolate 'Peru 60%'
100 g
light fine flavor cocoa chocolate 'Grenada 39%'
800 ml
whipped cream
400 g fresh seasonal fruit, e.g. strawberries, apples, kiwi, pineapple


  1. Bring the cream to the boil in a pan, pour over the fine cocoa chocolate and stir until the chocolate dissolves. Caution: Do not boil.
  2. Wash the fruit, cut into small pieces and arrange nicely.
  3. Serve the fine cocoa chocolate in a fondue pot or in a bowl with a hot water bath so that the chocolate remains nice and liquid.


  1. The fine cocoa chocolate can also be refined with orange juice or alcohol, such as our fine chocolate liqueurs.
  2. In addition to the fruit, cookies, dried fruit or other delicacies can also be dipped in the fine cocoa chocolate.